Cabaret, Midsumma Festival

Mama Alto: De-Flowered

In a sensual and risqué cabaret bacchanalia, Mama Alto is letting her hair down (without those iconic white flowers).

  • Dates 7 - 8 February

  • Times See below

  • Ticket prices See below

Jazz, blues, sex and liquor have always been a heady and irresistible cocktail. A sizzling and sensual new risqué cabaret bacchanalia from acclaimed jazz singer, cabaret artiste and gender transcendent diva Mama Alto.

She’s putting out (her most debauched repertoire), getting loose (with those blue notes) and letting her hair down (without those iconic white flowers!) to sing ravishing jazz age songs about sex for you. That’s right – de-flowered.

Presented by Smoke & Mirrors Productions

Photo: Trent Pace

What the critics are saying

    One could have heard a pin drop, until the cheering and applause at the end.

    The Advertiser

Connect with the Artist


7 - 8 February


Friday 7 & Saturday 8 February: 9pm


$36 Standard
$33 Concession


One hour (no interval)

All Chapel Off Chapel performances have a strict lockout policy.
Latecomers may not be admitted. Please arrive at least 15-minutes before performance time.

Seating & Accessibility

Seating: Allocated Seating

PLEASE NOTE: If you require accessible seating or wheelchair access, call the Box Office on 03 8290 7000, Monday-Friday between 10am and 4pm to book your tickets.


Themes of a highly sexual nature
Coarse language
This performance is suitable for ages 18+

Additional Information

Venue will open one hour prior to showtime.
The venue is CASHLESS.